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Old 03-07-14, 08:10 PM   #580
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I used to smoke. I also used to dip snuff and chew tobacco too.

My nicotine habits started with a can of skoal. (That's dip for the uninitiated). Later on, i would occasionally chew Tobacco. My first pouch being Redman. For the most part i dipped snuff though, chewing tobacco (not to be confused with dip) would make you "juice" too much. My brand started with Skoal, then later Kodiak, and some occasional Copenhagen. (Or as some of my buds who also dipped snuff would call it, "Cough n gaggin") When I did chew tobacco, it was Redman or Beechnut, but preferred Beechnut.

After i started dipping though, I soon began underage drinking, which considering where i was at the time, was very normal. After i started drinking copious amounts of beer, i started bumming smokes off my friends. Usually Marboro Lights. Soon after, i stopped bumming and started buying my own. At one point, on a friday night, one would find me with a beer in one hand, a marboro light in the other, and a pinch of skoal or kodiak in my jaw somewhere. First id' spit out the tobacco juice so i could drink my beer. Then i'd chase the beer with a drag on a coffin nail. When I went oversea's this increased, and would easily smoke an entire pack of cigarettes an evening. Often "jumps tarting" my next smoke, with one i currently had in my mouth and was nearly finished with. I would spend the following morning coughing up tar. (Gotta love those Eighty Eight's)

I did smokeless tobacco for nearly 5 years. I smoked for at least two years. I didn't smoke longer because it was as i call it, an "associated habit" that was tied with beer. At one point, i cut back on my drinking, when that happened i cut back on my smoking. Beer and smokes went hand in hand, and it took me awhile to break the two apart. Quiting smoking was easy though, because i got more nicotine from smokeless tobacco. What eventually got me off of dip, was having a gum graph at an Air Force hospital. Receeding gum lines and all that, were exposing the roots of my upper teeth where i apparently liked to keep my wad of dip the most. Having that procedure done was enough to scare me off of it. Haven't touched it since.

In my later years (late 20's, early 30's maybe), I have had an occasional smoke, but it is something I can no longer do. Everytime I had just one smoke for old times sake, I would end up with a hacking chest cold. Presumably my body's way in telling me that some things are not under the purview of nostalgia. I can't remember when i last had a smoke, but i can smell marboro's a mile away.
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