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Old 03-03-14, 12:12 PM   #90
Sonar Guy
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Originally Posted by S-13 View Post
I love submarines, but I haven't seen enough of them to give an "actual worst" since I'm sure there are ones that deserve the title better to the one I'm going to name, which I'm sure alot of people liked.

With that said, I thought Hunt for Red October was pretty terrible, the whole plot about defecting was bad enough, but the idea of the newest ship in the fleet is given to a Captain who while highly decorated as the movie claims but his loyalty to his country isn't insured especially for a nuclear submarine? and rest of the crew would go along? Let alone the fact supposedly the XO of this ship would be a Political Officer?

It's a decent rambo style cold war action movie, but not my idea of a submarine movie.
Evidently you didn't listen to the movie you just watched it.

While I agree it was just a movie and highly unlikely to happen its plot did have credibility.
The XO wasn't the political officer. The XO was Borridan, the XO, the political officer was the guy he took out in his stateroom. Political Officers are highly fanatical like the Nazi SS of WW2 so this guy had to go.
When they were giving the briefing to the president's chief adviser Jack Ryan quoted that Ramius trained most of their top submarine skippers taking out the lead boat in every new class. He was quoted as being called: "The Villneous Schoolmaster". That's why he was on the Red October. It was the shakedown cruise for a new boat design. This also put him in a position to select his own officers, men who would be willing to defect with him. As Jack Ryan also quoted.
For the rest of the crew he created, with help from the chief engineer I'm sure an elaborate radiation scare to get them off the boat. Who wouldn't want to get off a boat being flooded with radiation.
Finally his reason for turning over the boat to the Americans was not for the purpose of defecting or being a traitor to his country. He quoted that "Red October" had but one purpose. To slip thru our eastern seaboard defenses and launch a nuclear attack on our country. "There are those that still believe we should strike first in one massive blow".....stated Ramius.
His reason for stealing the boat was to keep the Russians from having such an upper hand on us they could start world war three. Something any sane man would do anything in his power to avoid.
What about the beginning text? Did this have any credibility or was it just put there for the movie?

Again I realize it was just a movie and what it would take for these steps to happen in this order would be like winning the lottery. But it's not totally implausible.
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