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Old 02-08-14, 01:14 PM   #1349
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Default Version 1.38 approaching

LAST NEWS FOR 1.38 Version:

Some info about add-on "Reinforce Alert" (DWX 1_38 version).
[ * - Hardcoded fix ]
1 - ADCAP User Doctrine Fixed: Passive Speed Search Set To 45 kts.
2 - Udaloy Active Sonar Ranges Labels fixed to meters.
3 - AGM-88 HARM Missile water crush problem has been fixed
4 - KA-27 Helix USER, added capability take 2 x Kh-35 URAN [SS-N-25 SwitchBlade ] missiles in loadout. *
Pylons has been removed, weapon loadouts placed inside helo body.
5 - Fixed bug with "freeze" russian torpedoes (AI TEST-71 Series).
6 - Fixed bug with KH-35 Uran User, when at short attack range, missile not able hit target.
7 - Sailboat added sound for broadband sonar control User Sub.
8 - US Iowa Class: Fixed To Iowa BB and Iowa CG separate classes. Now Iowa BB able to Shell engage.
9 - Some airstrips has been fixed.
10 - Victor-I SSN: Fix bug when torpedo SET-65 unavailable to loadout from main rack.*
11 - Victor-II SSN: Fix bug when torpedo 65-76 unavailable to loadout from main rack.*
12 - Victor-II SSN: Float Wire an 3D model, coordinates has been corrected.
13 - Bug fixed when AI Sub shot not from doctrine command - fast shot problem (bug 1.37 version) *.
14 - Section "SSP INFO" Added To USNI Data.
15 - Mk 37 Mobile Target - difficult kill bug, has been fixed.
16 - Mobile Mines Doctrine has been fixed, crush depth reached bug remove.
17 - KA-27, MH-60: Fixed bug when Contacts Nav Map and Acoustic Display have different ID *.
18 - Fixed bug, when sonobuoys undetectable with User MF Active sonar.
19 - Added F-22 Raptor F/A To U.S.
20 - Added GBU-39 Bomb
21 - Added Command Bunker Landbased Hard Object.
22 - Speed Cavitation O.H.P FFG and Udaloy DDG increased To 20-21 kts (vs default 6 kts for O.H.Perry) *.
23 - Fixed a default DW bug, where one type Player submarine and AI submarine, had not the same speed and depth of cavitation *.
(For sample: AI KILO cavitating an 213 feet and 10 knots, but the KILO Player not cavitating at the same depth and speed.)
24 - Cavitation is now dependent on the structure of the props:5-blades,7-blades, Pumpjet,etc... Old or new technologies production propellers.*
25 - SA-22 Greyhound SAM Site with 9M335 missile added.
26 - Moskva CVH: 57mm guns fixed firing cones.
27 - Removed bugs voices and text messages with User controllable air platform - when TIW, and detonation message has been received.
28 - The inability to set a minefield in the mission editor eliminated (bug 1.37 version).
29 - SH-3D Sea King ASW Helo added to Peru NAVY.
30 - AI Sub Doctrines remastered for preventing cavitation in tracking and pursuit modes.
A stadimeter fix for 888 was mentioned but then disappeared, we shall see.
Sounds promising, let us hope thet the testing is OK, anyway the European DW community will be glad to do the debugging if requested!
Thanks a lot to the RA team, they keep fixing and improving long after the initial developers cashed in and disappeared... Leaving bugs which could probably have been fixed with a relatively small effort.
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