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Old 01-03-14, 12:06 AM   #1
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Default Help with DW NewUI!

Are there any tutorials that help a person like me who doesnt want to, say, plot and do the math for my own torpedoes in DarkWraiths NewUI? As in, say, I can just use the yellow/green/ triangles to tell me when I should LOS! ? I cannot for the life of me hit a ship within 8-1700 meters. Always ahead. Always behind. The yellow line coming out of the bow of my boat indicates the path of the torpedo, I try to use the yellow/green triangle indicators, but I cant make sense of when I should fire. I assume I have the first officer doing all the geometry and calculus. I mean, I just want to know, within reason, when I should fire. That's all.

If my only option is to learn how to measure the mast, plot the speed myself, and e=mc2 this then please tell me. Im a musician by trade for God's sake. The right analysis side of my brain is a tomb of the unknown. Or is it the left side? I dont know anything anymore!

Ive played SH3 GWX for years now and I know it like the back of my hand but this... How?
Shame me, call me an idiot. Tell me "its all in the tutorial you bufoon!" But then, point me, for the love of all that is sacred, to that tutorial. If you wouldnt mind, that is. For I refuse to play the farcical brain fart that is the stock version.

If Im barking up a wrong tree in the wrong forest, no matter. Ill slink back to SH3/4 GWX/Trigger Maru. But this, with you guys' mods, looks so awesome... I... I just dont know how I could ever go back....

Thank you, in any case, for the times Ive had!
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