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Old 01-01-14, 10:25 AM   #172
Machinist's Mate
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Well, big progress. I:
- remove duplicities from data
- reduce value of lighthouses to number about 2000.
- sort all as lighthouses or lightboats
- Added some lighthouses in "hic sunt leones" area (a didn't have data for whole world as i seen, there was places, where i didn't see any lighthouse)
- removed all river lights, which are not useful for game
- removed all lighthouses in deep firths and bays
- remove all lighthouses from west coast of America - they are not usefull for game
- added one lighthouse in every port in map (in GWX world). This feature is very usefull, because even concrete piers of ports have their own lighthouses, this concrete piers respawn to game much later as lighthouse defined in Locations.cfg. When someone is using 16km, or 20km environment mod as me, can see this lighthouses from 20km distance, the pier lighthouses are seen when sub comes closer to port...
- disable some GWX specific locations, which are buggy and lighthouses are not rendered in game.
- modify slightly coordinates of almost all lighthouses to fit perfectly to SH3 world. (In table link to google maps shows original coordinates, but SH3 coordinates may be differ. For seeing of exact location in SH3 you must get SH3 lat and long and count like this: SH3coordinate/2000/60 - this gives you real coordinate)

I have done script, which generate Locations.cfg.
I have done script, which generate X marks in map file.
Rest work is to do script, which generate data for Camaign_SCR.mis file (Lightboats and buoys are defined in this file)

Original data file can be seen here: (i'm not using it anymore)
Reduced data file, which i use from now is visible here:

Now i go to do some test and observations with new Locations.cfg...
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