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Old 12-15-13, 10:26 AM   #1
Onkel Neal
Born to Run Silent
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Best of Subsim 2013: Best Post of the Year

Here's a democracy in action, in its whackiest form! Vote for Best of Subsim 2013: Best Post of the Year.




Originally Posted by BigWalleye (Post 2034239)
Thank you, Steve, for your civil and thoughtful response. If I may, I'll try to respond.

Yes, Steve, it is belief. If we could prove it, there would be no need for belief. If Christ came down to Central Park, cured the sick, and raised the dead live on CNN, there would be no need for belief. And no more free will to believe or not.

I have no way of knowing what you formerly believed, but I suspect it was different from the belief that has changed my life. Or maybe my life was more in need of changing.

Of course there are, although I think "a great many" is a stretch. I can only speak from personal knowledge of the transforming power of Christ. Formerly, I followed the teachings of the Buddha, which is a powerful moral philosophy with much in common with the teachings of Jesus. But I never found a God in Buddhism.

First, Jesus never had a problem with people having a good time. His first public miracle was done to keep a party going! (How cool is that?) It is rather the pursuit of good times, to the exclusion of caring for others, that gets us off the track. Second, and more important, if people don't see the impact of Christ in my actions (and too often, I'm sure they don't), my words won't carry much weight. St Francis said: "Preach Christ crucified. Use words when required." My OP was to share the joy I was feeling, not to preach.

A link to the post:

Reason for Nomination:
As I said in the thread too, he started a thread that seemed like a total train wreck and got ridiculed by most of the posters up until second page (including yours truly). Most people would have buggered off and forgotten about it after such reaction, but instead he came back with this post to Steve. From there on he turned it into a civil discussion and in the end pretty much everyone was just wishing happy Easter to each other and the thread had a good feeling in it.

A post like this shows what you can do by being reasonable and gaining respect or at least acceptance here no matter what your opinions are. As Steve has so many times put it, it's not what you say but how you say it and this post (especially when compared to his posts on the thread's first page) is a perfect case in point of that and something that many here could learn from.

Thread: Old Buna Retiring?
Originally Posted by eddie (Post 2097857)
Good luck on retiring Jim, I hope it works out for you! I retired last year, and it is great! I got real lazy, real quick!

But I am a bit more actve now, I do one situp a day. I sit up in bed around 8 AM, look at the alarm clock, realize I don't have to be anywhere or doing anything, then I lay back down! I'm slowly getting back in shape, for what, I have no clue.

Reason for Nomination:
Very funny, and true. Especially the last line

Thread: Is It Wrong (General Topics)
On the one hand you should follow your heart.

My personal experience: I did just that, i dated someone just twelve years my junior and it was the absolute worst experience of my life, and to be bluntly honest... im fortunate to have not blown my brains out. seriously. Im quite literally being serious there...

The age gap meant that our taste in music, our taste in movies, our taste in activities etc were completely different. She had not reached the level of maturity in her life nor had she the life experience that one has in order to become someone in their mid thirties and i had not any ability to go back in time to be someone in their early twenties......

Reason for Nomination:
Sublime explanation of the odds for and against relationships with wide age differences. Says what many of us would like to, but better than most of us can.

Last edited by Onkel Neal; 12-19-13 at 06:14 PM. Reason: fixed links
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