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Old 12-06-13, 04:10 PM   #4
Navy Seal
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Originally Posted by vdr1981 View Post
Tnx for use full links Gap...
My pleasure

Originally Posted by vdr1981 View Post
Just a small correction on this one.. Those are not min and max speeds...Those are max speeds for trim conditions A and B which are basically A-something like half full submarine and B- combat ready sub with max fuel, armament ect... Electric engine max speeds from your post are actually speeds with electric engines on surface...
Yep, initially I gave different sets of measures generical 'min' and 'max' attributions because I wasn't sure what they were relative to. Eventually I realized that 'Electric max' was actually electric propulsion on surface, but I was still unsure about the meaning of the two diesel speed sets. Thank you for clarifying

Originally Posted by vdr1981 View Post
RPM values shown in the submarine looks just fine but we can't be 100% sure because almost every gauge shows slightly different values, which is OK IMO...

I have finally found the thread where I and Fifi discussed this topic. Please read the following post and further replies to it:

Most differences between theoretical and practical (i.e. measured in game) engine rpm/speeds, might be well within a normal margin of error. Nonetheless, the 'back emergency' bell for both diesel and electric propulsions shows a consistent discrepancy from expected values, too high for being simply accounted as 'measurement error'

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