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Old 10-03-13, 08:44 AM   #9
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Thank you for addressing that problem.

Ha Ha Ha!....My sources are not on the web!...Your good friend Sunburn and staff member said that you have access to Jane's publication. My sources are from Jane's. There is nothing better than a good old hardcover source, in my opinion.

The rest of it, is experience and something that more people should do: mathematics. It is as good for the brains, as PT @ 05:00 is for the heart.

If one can't create an equation to calculate the duration of a torpedo run, which is not a directly supplied data, one should try gardening as a new field of endeavour. Because one might encounter situations where 2 equations with 2 unknown variables might be necessary to create, in order to find answers.

Doctrine is a guideline. Some would say a refuge for the unimaginatives. I say it is a base on which you get creative. If you don't know what to do, then follow the doctrine, if you know what to do, then do it! In reality, you can push weapons further than the doctrine allows you to, and that means something!

So 13Km? I tell you what I have been told very often "If you have a shot, take it!" Don't wait for the enemy to dictate you next move, you have the initiative, use it and abuse it. It all depends of what the situation dictates, and what your mission is. A missing torpedo can also create havoc through a submarine crew, especially a stealth one coming out of nowhere through a thermocline.

There are no limitations in combat, to win to survive, one does what is necessary to prevail. Because there is no second chances, one needs to be ready to be surprised and surprise. The only limitation, are the tools available from the toll box.

In my opinion, this is not the firing range that you need to increase. A torp is like a mini-sub with a mind of its own, once the wire is broken. Torpedoes, acquire, lose, search and re-acquire target. They also do a lot of other things.

It is not about extending the practical firing range of the torp as a simple number to be changed, then hit enter. Create a program that allows a torp to search, acquire, lose and re-acquire target, go passive and active, and go from stealth mode to search mode, to attack mode on its own. All of the above based on acceleration deceleration and fuel consumption. Then you will have something realistic that you will be able to claim. Otherwise, your torpedoes are linear creatures.

When you look at the evolution of Torpedoes since their creation, it is a weapon that grew in flexibility, not in rigidity.

There are no weblinks to my brains. But I will tell you this, and that should be Sunburn 's job as he criticized other people's finished work. Ask him to acquire Tom Clancy SSN to play it. As it will teach the understanding of the tactical usage of and dynamics of modern torps, calculating, shooting at and being shot at, acquiring and evading. It could not be any clearer in that game. It is a Modern torpedoes boot camp for civies.

For the rest, you have all the data available in the open, all you need to do, is to make the equations sing your song!

Last edited by biosthetique; 10-03-13 at 01:26 PM.
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