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Old 09-25-13, 10:54 AM   #162
Navy Seal
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Originally Posted by vdr1981 View Post
Open data/submarine/NSS_Uboat7a... NSS_Uboat7a.zon, you will find pumps damage box there...
Yes, I did it: I loaded the NSS_Uboat7a GR2 file, merged the respective zon file and opened the damage editor. I just can't see the pump box among other boxes. It should be located somewhere near the keel, ins't it?

Originally Posted by vdr1981 View Post
Still nothing...Damage is taken from comm room, that damage menu is one big unusable crap IMO...and i'm starting to losing my nerves slowly...


Separate, but probably only for cosmetic purposes...
Okay, it makes sense. I hope that at least periscope heads, having an external 3d link and a damage box, are showing correct damages...

As for periscope bodies, keep calm and try doing this when you get time:

- create two new empty zon files, one for each Room_?? - Periscop + Anim.GR2 file, and add a SH3ZonesCtrl controller to each, each with a damage box pointing to the periscope model of its respective GR2 file.

- make each box either destructible or not destuctible (we will see which setting works better)

- open Equipment upc and change this:

[Equipment 18]
NameDisplayable= Attack Periscope
FunctionalType= EqFTypePeriscopeBody
EquipmentInterval= NULL, NULL
ExternalLinkName3D= NULL
Hitpoints= 100
DamageDescription1= NULL,	0,	0.2,	0,	1,	1,	small malfunction,		0,	0,	NULL,	0.3,	0.4,	4
DamageDescription2= NULL,	0.2,	0.6,	0,	1,	1,	Misaligned Axis,		0,	0,	NULL, 	0.5,	0.4,	10
DamageDescription3= NULL,	0.6,	1,	0,	1,	1,	fuse blown,			0,	0,	NULL,	1,	0.2,	15

[Equipment 19]
NameDisplayable= Observation Periscope
FunctionalType= EqFTypePeriscopeBody
EquipmentInterval= NULL, NULL
ExternalLinkName3D= NULL
Hitpoints= 100
DamageDescription1= NULL,	0,	0.2,	0,	1,	1,	small malfunction,		0,	0,	NULL,	0.3,	0.4,	4
DamageDescription2= NULL,	0.2,	0.6,	0,	1,	1,	Misaligned Axis,		0,	0,	NULL, 	0.5,	0.4,	10
DamageDescription3= NULL,	0.6,	1,	0,	1,	1,	fuse blown,			0,	0,	NULL,	1,	0.2,	15
to this:

[Equipment 18]
NameDisplayable= Attack Periscope
FunctionalType= EqFTypePeriscopeBody
EquipmentInterval= NULL, NULL
ExternalLinkName3D= Periscope_O_anim,data\Submarine\Common\Parts\Room_CT - Periscop + Anim
Hitpoints= 100
DamageDescription1= NULL,	0,	0.2,	0,	1,	1,	small malfunction,		0,	0,	NULL,	0.3,	0.4,	4
DamageDescription2= NULL,	0.2,	0.6,	0,	1,	1,	Misaligned Axis,		0,	0,	NULL, 	0.5,	0.4,	10
DamageDescription3= NULL,	0.6,	1,	0,	1,	1,	fuse blown,			0,	0,	NULL,	1,	0.2,	15

[Equipment 19]
NameDisplayable= Observation Periscope
FunctionalType= EqFTypePeriscopeBody
EquipmentInterval= NULL, NULL
ExternalLinkName3D= Periscop_CR,data\Submarine\Common\Parts\Room_CR - Periscop + Anim
Hitpoints= 100
DamageDescription1= NULL,	0,	0.2,	0,	1,	1,	small malfunction,		0,	0,	NULL,	0.3,	0.4,	4
DamageDescription2= NULL,	0.2,	0.6,	0,	1,	1,	Misaligned Axis,		0,	0,	NULL, 	0.5,	0.4,	10
DamageDescription3= NULL,	0.6,	1,	0,	1,	1,	fuse blown,			0,	0,	NULL,	1,	0.2,	15
If nothing happens, try changing periscope bodies file names removing spaces (e.g: Room_CR-Periscop+Anim instead of Room_CR - Periscop + Anim .GR2, .sim and .zon) and update external 3d links in equipment.upc accordingly.

What should happen? one (or both) of these:

- immediate CTD as soon a periscope body gets damaged/destroyed
- periscope bodies not responding to human interaction when damaged, and showing correct damage level in damage management interface. Fingers crossed
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