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Old 09-10-13, 01:42 AM   #269
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Default Playable USS Iawa Battleship

OK I fixed the Iowa myself.

Here is the text in the readme file inside the ZIP archive...
This is the USS Iowa for Silent Hunter 4 version 1.5 for use in TMO 2.5 + RSRD with patch

Playable Iowa Version 1.3

This mod was created by someone else but the files had no information as to who did it. There were quite a few problems with the original mod so I fixed it to perform as a real Iowa class battleship should. I got the information for performances from Wikipedia. Basically, the mass, ranges, drag figures were changed to make the ship accelerate and stop as a real ship (that is heavy) would. AI Sensor information was taken from a file or two from AI Visual Mod file that were provided by Tom Mares. These were needed to get the turrets to work correctly in high seas.

The range listed on Wikipedia is probably a modern figure for this ship (meaning they might not have been that much at WW2 era). But the missions in RSRD require you to have a vessel with decent range if you plan on making it back to home port since we can't refuel at sea. I figure it was a better compromise than selecting infinite fuel from the options. It sure would have been a shame to not be able to use this ship in campaign mode because the range was too low.Version 1.2 changes the location of the periscopes and radar units to make the ship "make more sense". I hope she's ready for sea trials now.

Version 1.1 re-addresses the guns ranges, accuracy, and ammo amounts for this ship only. I decided to get away from Tom Mares weapons and ammo properties because I didn't want to include all the guns and ammo from his ships mod just to get this one ship into the game. This ship should be compatible with his ships mod as an addon to it. Although I have not tested it, I don't see any reason it wouldn't work. Although the gun ranges will have changed a bit.

Version 1.21 fixes ammo loads according to known info about the Iowa and increases accuracy again on AA guns and Cannons.

Version 1.22 fixes anti-aircraft ammo used on this ship so that it can kill planes once again. What I thought was just missing the plane, was really due to no penetration of the ammo. Fixed that.

Version 1.23 polishes a few cosmetic things like sailors standing in bulkheads or hovering above the deck. Moved Observations periscope to aft of ship so I can get a nice view aft of the ship while traveling. Made Turret two the player turret and fixed elevation and traverse rates to agree with the real thing (for all 16" turrets).

Version 1.3 makes the ship TMO 2.5 compatible. This was done to keep from changing as few files in TMO as possible. A seperate mod is included to allow the ship to operate correctly with the RSRD mod. This version also changes the crew loadout a bit. 6 engine guys were moved to sensors.

You only need this ship mod IF you plan on playing using the Iowa as the player ship.

This mod is tested on stock SH4 v1.5 and seems to work well. The mod is designed for TMO 2.5 and TMO 2.5 with RSRD v550.
Install order should be...
1. TMO 2.5
2. RSRD v550 (if wanted)
3. USS Iowa
4. USS Iowa RSRD Addon (if RSRD was installed)
5. Other mods that add features.

Enjoy and happy hunting.
Here is the link to the file if you'd like to try it out.

Here is a photo of the ship..

Last edited by Bothersome; 09-19-13 at 02:39 AM.
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