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Old 07-20-13, 05:02 PM   #88
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Originally Posted by Takeda Shingen View Post
Well, that is just it; I would argue that Das Boot is actually a very bad movie dressed up with a degree of historical realism. As a dramatic work, it simply fails due to the fact that it does not achieve the fundamental requirement of attaching the audience to any of the figures within the film. As such, scenes that had the potential to be magnificent and emotionally-charged fell flat.
You have to take into consideration that the book author really influenced the work of the film crew. He successfully prevented that the story got sold to hollywood and while producing the film he also prevented the producers from changing the story too much. He wanted it to be exactly like he witnessed it, not how it would have the biggest success.
In the end the author was disappointed by the film because the producers did make some changes to the story.
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