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Old 06-24-13, 02:27 AM   #4361
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Originally Posted by fireftr18 View Post
It's a report of a predicted arrival based on the speed and direction the convoy is moving at the time of the sighting. The convoy can change speed and direction before it gets to you. I have had them come through early, late, and sometimes didn't get them at all.
Yep, I assumed that things would change, but I figured that at least they would still blast through the strait sometime. I was wondering if the given co-ordinates are vaguely accurate, as I have seen some wildly wrong intel. For example, I am currently running the next mission - Dec, 14 1942, and have received flash traffic on Dec, 16 advising that a cruiser, 2 transports and 4DDs will be transiting Madang Roads on the 18th at coordinates 0513S 14554E. I've got a brother-in-law that is a tank commander that needs to know about this! (Check it on Google Earth, if you don't believe me.)

Tight Hatches


As a PS, in the original Intel, I couldn't really see why the location was given, as it was so far South of what I would expect to be the route the convoy would take (I can get why the convoy may come down through the little deep-water slot between The Sulu Archipelago and Borneo, but then it would seem logical that they would track fairly much due East to pass about mid-way between Mindanao and Celebes (which is reinforced by the tracks shown on the Campaign Map (Radio & Map under Miscellaneous). That's why I thought that maybe several of you established that the quoted coordinates may have been wrong.

Last edited by Gryffon300; 06-24-13 at 03:51 AM.
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