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Old 06-18-13, 12:46 PM   #181
frau kaleun
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Originally Posted by Red October1984 View Post
Oh. Okay...I'll go look at the copyright dates on the VHS tapes later and see what version they are.

I'm sure they're the new version though.
As Steve indicated - if Jabba makes an appearance in A New Hope, if Han shoots Greedo first in the cantina, if Luke finds and has a chat with his old friend Biggs at the rebel base prior to attacking the Death Star, if you see the Emperor's statue on Coruscant being toppled at the end of RotJ - you have the newer versions. If they are VHS then they are mostly likely the Special Editions that were released into theaters and then on home video prior to the making and release of the prequels. I had those when they first came out in addition to the original theatrical releases on DVD. Now I have the original theatrical releases on DVD and... I can't remember if I have the Special Editions on disc or not. It's possible. I do have the prequels on DVD as well. At one point before I chucked all my VHS tapes I think I had 4-5 sets of Eps 4-6 in various versions on various formats.

I'm tempted by the BluRay editions as I think there's a set that has all 6 films but it's unlikely I'll spend any more money on the films until there's a BR release of the ORIGINAL original trilogy. Preferably with the Spec Editions and prequels included. I would pay good money for that.

OTOH if they are going to make even more prequels or sequels or expanded universe films, even a set of the current six flicks complete with the original original trilogy (we should just call this SW:OOT for short, c'mon, say it, "swoot," that should totally catch on amongst us older fans) won't be a "complete set" so what's the point?
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