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Old 06-02-13, 04:07 PM   #123
Silent Hunter
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if SHO can redeem the fanchise after the SH5 fiasco, its not impossible that SH might see another reboot in years to come.
whether or not that would be 'good thing' depends entirely on Ubi recognising their past mistakes and learning from them. namley not trying to push the wrong genre at the wrong market and loosen up the DRM noose.

And likewise subsimmers who feel they've been burned by Ubi would have to be prepared to wipe the slate clean and give them another chance (abeit with realistic expectations), we are masters of our own destiny in that respect.

Ubis approach with the SH franchise has not been very smart,
3 titles in 5 years (none of which ever reached their full potential at Ubis hands) and now SHO, which is just seems like an attempt to squeeze some cash by recycling a knackered franchise by throwing on it the F2P bandwagon at low cost. If you ask me SHO seems like a marketing experiment on Ubis part.

I really, really believe SH could still do well if it perhaps adopted the railsim model of a progressive sim, start with a basic but solid foundation and build it up with DLC over time. You could even end up with playable destoyers and aircraft eventually.
Even if you think DLC is scandoulsly over priced, i think its sometimes a neccesary evil -and in the case of an open world sim like SH its seems to be the only way to deliver everything to the fans in financially viable way for the publishers.
Getting a near perfect subsim out of the box with all the bells and whistles for a one off payment of $50 is just not going to happen, its pure fantasy in this day and age.
Im sure the perfect subsim is possible with out a huge dependency on modders.... but y'all gotta pay!

Last edited by JU_88; 06-02-13 at 04:18 PM.
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