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Old 05-30-13, 11:39 PM   #104
Navy Dude
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Originally Posted by BrucePartington View Post
I hope this is still "the" thread, it as gone cold it seems.
Great map, great job, thank you Nbjackso.
However I ran into a problem: Truk. Before and after the patch to the 2.1 version.
Everytime I zoom down on Truk to see the port there, instant CTD.
I have activated the patch, tried it, deactivated it and reactivated, still CTD.
Any ideas?
Could it be something I could fidle with?
I'd hate to give up this wonderful map because of Truk. And Truk is one of those things I was hoping to have available on the map

Stock SH4, this is the first mod I try for this game. CPU is a Core2Duo, 2Gb Ram, 1Gb Nvidia, Win 7 x86. I can easily increase TC to the 5.000's if I want to.
Naw, I'm still around, just hav'nt moded anything in awhile. As far as the CTD issues your having, I don't have any problems zooming all the way in onto the port(s) on Truk, nor do I recall anyone else having that issue. A couple of options I can think of; 1) post a list of mods in the order you enable them, I will see if I can spot any conflicts. B) a lot of people still download and use NMMO v2.0, (I did a little 3D modding in v2.1 and that may be your problem). iii) try removing the "Campaign_LOC" file in the Data/Campaigns directory prior to enabling the mod, Note the Campaign_LOC file is also in the 2.1 patch. make sure you remove it also. I hope this helps. Feel free to post any other questions/concerns you may have.

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and I'll d
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