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Old 05-20-13, 04:05 PM   #154
Ernst Sautter
Join Date: Apr 2010
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Hi guys

First i want to thank Stiebler and h.sie for his wonderful work. I am a veteran Sh3 gwx player and after achieving som 1 million tonnage sunk in 1 career at 100% reality i got bored of the game. But now with these wonderful mods it feels like a totally new game.

Only thing that I miss now to get a real realistic feeling is convoys that sail with the ships further apart so it would be possible to make a "Kretschmer" without getting detected.

Almost everything works as intended for me I run

GWX 16km Atmosphere
GWK Enhanced Dmg
GWX Integrated orders (some problems with this)
Supplement to V16B1 (JSGME)

The integrated orders seems not to work.
maybe some one knows what the problem can be it dident work
before the last 2 mods where attached either.

Anyway noticed one bug. The hydrophones dont work after you dive for some time. If you are speeding the game up and dive with 1024 time acceleration. A ship can pass right by you before you can press the hydrophone button for "normal sweep"

It can be manual activated by rotating the hydrophone and then it works directly.

Anyway this is rather annoying as it makes it impossible to dive listen/confirm a position of convoy/ship and then surface again.(without manually doing it)

Did some1 else notice this problem and is there anyway to fix it?

Again thanks for the impressive work

Best regards Ernst
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