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Old 04-04-13, 03:13 PM   #1
Admirable Mike
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Default The One Month Challenge

Make preparations for a month-long patrol at TCx1 in real time. The following are the requirements:

1> Inform your wife, live-in girlfriend, or other senior officer of your intent to man-up and do this thing. Suggest that they make plans to visit Mom, girlfriends, or other relatives to reduce crew stress aboard.

2> Your SH game must run continuously for 30 days at normal speed. If this must be interupted, missed time must be made up - extending your patrol to add missed time. No other conditions can be interupted or you lose the challenge!

3> Get two empty buckets or coffee cans and fill both with diesel fuel. For safety, pour out the fuel into a proper fuel container - keeping just the residue in the buckets. The buckets or cans shall be placed near your computer to give the diesel aroma. Do not clean the buckets.

4> At your first opportunity during the patrol, urinate or vomit into one of the cans. Do not flush, keeping the contents to add to the aroma of your sub.

5> You may go to the washroom, but flush the toilet only once per day.

6> You may not get a haircut, shave, bathe, or brush teeth with water during your patrol.

7> You may not change clothes nor launder them on patrol.

8> You may not change your bedding during the patrol.

9> If you live in a warm climate, windows and doors must remain closed at all times, except as necessary. Time outside counts same as computer off and will be made up at patrol end.

10> If you live in a cool climate, the window in the computer room is left open and furnace off, except when senior officer is home.

11> Four times a day you may splash cold water on your face, but not dry it off. No soap.

12> Sleep no more than four hours at a time, followed by eight hours or more awake. Four hours in the eight must be sitting at your game computer.

13> Do no exercises of any kind during the patrol, except climbing up and down a stepladder at least once per hour.

14> For six hours, continuous, each day there must be total silence except for game produced sounds.

15> Do not listen to radio, TV, answer the phone, nor run a web browser during the patrol.

Good Hunting

Game Designer:
Close The Atlantic - World War Three
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