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Old 03-26-13, 04:39 AM   #12
Feuer Frei!
Navy Seal
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The word 'scary' is so subjective it's unbelievable. Like music. Like fashion.
I don't get scared watching movies, and i've seen some really graphic and let's call them 'alternative' horror movies. No movie has scared me. Ever. (yea yea, i'm a big man). Underground i call them, not made by Bollywood, where they've got no idea how to make shock tactics and graphic effects and violence.
Let the French, and to a lesser effect, imports deal with supplying the non-average joe, like me, who, if wanting to watch a horror movie, actually wants the shock factor, wants the blood and gore, and doesn't want the camera panning away before the axe or god knows whatever implement or weapon is about to cut flesh or some such thing.

I don't bother with the garbage that comes from hollywood because i know it's not going to do the job for me.

If you get shocked or scared by crap like The Chernobyl Diaries, then i'm afraid that there's not much hope for you.

Movies like Frontier(s) or Martyrs, although not truly scary, (for me, but then we are talking subjective again) will give you an example of what i'm talking about, with none of the commercial crap that we are fed by hollywood day in day out, the French know how to do a horror movie.

I've boycotted commercial stuff for years now.
Won't touch it.
"History is the lies that the victors agree on"- Napoleon

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