Thread: Cool pics
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Old 03-21-13, 03:44 PM   #48
Navy Seal
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This happened back in 1999 at Eglin AFB Florida. A Security Forces car drove under a parked F-15. Word about this got passed around to all troops working on flightlines the day after it happened.

Apparently there where two SPs(military police) in the car and the passenger fell ill so the driver started heading back to post.Along the way their hand held radio fell under the car seat and they reached down to grab it taking their eyes away from driving and veered into the path of the parked F-15 which stopped the car as you can see.

One crew chief had to jump clear of the cars path. The plane was fully loaded with fuel at the time and such was the weight and damage to the car they had to use the jaws of life to get the two SPs out.The typical flight line driving speed on any DOD base is 10 MPH.I wonder should the F-15 get one Chevy Lumina added to its kill list? The driver was female by the way proving the old adage about female drivers.

Damage to the F-15 was minor but as you can see goodbye 13,000 dollar car and about that much in repairs to the F-15.The SP driving the car had to pay remunerations over time of course.The Department of Defense expects remuneration to be payed by the guilty party when negligence is the cause of damages.

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