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Old 03-19-13, 08:01 AM   #135
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Reguarding Fienstien, (aka "The googly eyed Harpy")

I, and many others have noticed how she seems to think that PTSD is "relatively new advent" as a "result of the Iraq war". In one sentence, she eloquently exemplified her ignorance and the old saying, "Better to be thought of a fool then to open ones mouth and remove all doubt".

Also, in my opinion, the Government and NRA should be working together to find a solution to gun crime that everyone agrees on.
One reason no one is never going to see both sides of "the gun argument" working together, nor even a true "national discussion" is because of the language and positioning of the anti-gun crowd. By their very choice of words, and actions, they immediately put gun owners on the defensive and as result permanently remove the people most knowledgeable about the subject from the conversation. What you end up with is idiots that think a barrel shroud is Or more recently, (the guy famed for his letter to Fienstien), the Chicago tribune thinks the front sling swivel of an AR-15 is for mounting a grenade launcher or bayonet. Seriously? I'll just toss this tidbit about out while I'm at it.

In my opinion, this is not just about guns. It's about the constant and steady erosion of our civil liberties. We're already at the point where:
- legislature exists that is (poorly) worded in such a way where it is conceivable for the government to haul US citizens away and detain them indefinitely without due process.. (Patriot act and NDAA)
- We have politicians who seem to think that the contents of the Bill of Rights is subject to their interpretation.

Now their chipping at the Second Amendment. If successful there, what's next? Eventually the second amendment will disappear entirely. At which point there is not a doubt in my mind that the 4th Amendment would be subject to "interpretation" next. The only thing I wonder is how long would it take to get to that point. After the 4th, what would be next? Who knows, but if our politicians were to be left unchecked, it's not a question of if our government turns completely tyrannical, but when. I doubt this turn to complete tyranny ( nor any justification to move from the ballot box to the cartridge box) will happen in our lifetimes; however it will be our descendants and future generations who will bear the burden and the price if we don't stop the erosion of our civil liberties in the here and now.

Taking the long view, this isn't about guns, its much larger then that.

Last edited by Ducimus; 03-19-13 at 08:15 AM.
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