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Old 03-15-13, 07:33 AM   #3
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Diving fast, Running silent....
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I have trouble finding a clean download with a none broken link. Las one I did get seem to have everything, but there were coruppted tga files. So I just started to do my own modding. I just break the game down into a full campain simulator. All boats avaialble at all ports panding on the year of relese and worked on that instant sink syndrom which worked. I have repaired damage compartments while submerged with certain compartments 50 to 75 precent full. I had been depth charged for hours and lost the destroyers, I have been in a few tight spots more than once. My faveroit one was during a fog. Bridge crew said they spotted a ship, I take a look and see nothing, then noticed a fast moving shadow coming head on. It breaks through the fog as a destroyer which turned at first to dodge us, the try to turn to ram us, but it over shot me . crash dived right into a cotinental shelf 30 meters below. Lol boy that was a rush...
"Attack, Approach, Sink it!"
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