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Old 03-11-13, 07:15 PM   #142
Navy Seal
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Originally Posted by Bothersome View Post
New rain report.

Gap, do you still want these?
Sure, please keep them coming.

The more information we can collect, the more we can undesrtand how things are working. Thanks to TDW's coordinates converter, I was able to create my own spreadsheet which converts from map coordinates to offsets in the tga map used for weather zones assignation. This means that from now on I will know exaclty to which pixel of the ClimateZones.tga map weather reports are relative, and that I don't need anymore for screenshots of the navigation map: written lat/long + date + full weather report will be enough.

Sticking back to your past reports, I can confirm that:

1st report:
36,46'S by 19,10'E course 110 Speed 13
March 26 02:13 GMT.
Overcast, Precip Heavy, Fog Light, Winds 15, Direction 52
season: autumn
Min-MaxWeatherChangeInterval = 3-12 h
Min-Max WindSpeed = 1-15 m/s

2nd report:
April 2, 1943 17:00 GMT
Pos. 28d 29m S by 52d 10m E
Rain Heavy, Fog Heavy, Overcast, Wind 15
season: autumn
Min-MaxWeatherChangeInterval = 3-12 h
Min-Max WindSpeed = 1-13 m/s

3rd report:
April 4, 1700 GMT
Pos 24d 26m S by 60d 34m E
Rain None, Fog Medium, Partial Clouds, Wind 15
season: autumn
Min-MaxWeatherChangeInterval = 3-12 h
Min-Max WindSpeed = 1-13 m/s

4th-5th report:
April 30th
4°9'N 91°31'E - 3°35'N 90°28'E
clouds overcast, precipitations medium, fog light, wind speed 15 m/s

season: summer
Min-MaxWeatherChangeInterval = 5-24 h
Min-Max WindSpeed = 1-11 m/s

my comment are at post #133 are still valid. You keep having wind speeds higher than the set MaxWindSpeed for the areas were you have been patrolling, and rains seem to be always associated with maximum wind speed

also notice that the current season for the area you currently patrolling jumped back from autumn to summer. This is due to the way I have simulated monsoon climate. I suppose that even at summer a rainy episode once in a wile should be considered as normal. Looking forward to your next report anyway: let's see what is going on.

I would also like to hear from other DynEnv users, patrolling different areas...
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