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Old 03-10-13, 05:46 PM   #139
Posts: n/a

Been waiting so long for this upgrade that I didn't even realize it was here when I first saw the thread! I actually thought it was some other mod . Good job!!! Many thanks!!

I haven't had any problems or crashes running the mod. Colors look good in balanced mode. Vivid mode looks sweet, but is a bit too violet for my liking, so I'm sticking with balanced mode like I did with the old version.

I like the sleet option. Nice effect seeing it come at you, then whip left or right. Looks good! I do remember having it about 300 kms off the coast of Bergen (between 2 and 3 degrees East) in February 1940 and then (I think) again off Bergen in late March (near 4 degrees) IIRC. gap, I will try to keep track of rain and sleet with more detail as per your post #122.

Dogfish40 and Bothersome were talking about sober's wake fix in post 76. I had that problem as well in that it made the ship wakes look like the waves were paint smeared. Unfortunately, I had to disable it to get things back to normal again. sober posted that he's the only one the fix works for .. hehehe!

As for waves, with breeze or gale, they look good, but the water seems way too fast going by the ship, almost like watching a fast river current after a heavy rain. I tested this while leaving Wilhelmshaven, but not in open sea. The effect made me dizzy, so I reverted back to sober's V10 waves. The speed seems about the same, but the way the waves move doesn't give me any dizzying effect. It's probably just me, since I get migraines and stuff sometimes.

Thanks to gap's bug list posted by volodya61 in response to fifi (post 93), I at least know the reason why medium fog doesn't work at night. I was worried that it was sober's fog mod, because I hadn't encountered that problem or realized it before, but now see that it's a vanilla bug. That bug list also pointed out another problem I had which was being stuck on medium fog for two months of in-game time starting with the old version and still happening with the upgrade to the new version (all that fog depresses a man ). It eventually got resolved with the addition of Stoianm's old EnvWeather mod and a good reload - at least that's what I'm guessing.

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