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Old 03-02-13, 11:02 AM   #94
Sonar Guy
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Originally Posted by Robin40 View Post
no copying all of the date folders from the appropriate Orders folder into the SH3 Commander Date folder
started new patrol via SH3Commander
save and exit
running JFO.exe
loaded the saved file via SH3Commander

1)anytime you load the saved file, do you have to run JFO.exe?
Let me try to address this from the beginning.

SH3 Commander will write the files in its Date folder into the SH3 installation based on the start date of your patrol. So if you start a patrol on 2 Nov 1939, and your most recently dated folder is for 1 Nov 1939, then the files from the 1 Nov 1939 folder are written in to SH3 regardless of what is already there.

This means that if you have the JFO! Mod files in the date folder for SH3 Commander, JFO! Mod.exe is essentially useless. If you use the .exe to write files into the SH3 installation based on your current save game, when you run SH3 Commander, it will then overwrite those files based on the first date of your patrol.

Using the example above:

If you start your patrol on 2 Nov 1939, then SH3 Commander will load the files from 1 Nov 1939. You then patrol for a several days and save the game on 10 Nov 1939 and exit. You then run JFO! Mod.exe. It will place the template files from 8 Nov 1939 into your installation. However, if you load the save game using SH3 Commander, it will write the files from 1 Nov 1939 back into the game, since it is running off the date of the start of your patrol.

Essentially, unless you are a seasoned modder, you either want to use SH3 Commander or use JFO! Mod.exe, not both.

However, if you want to go a more sophisticated (and/or anal ) route, then set up the files such that they can be enabled by JSGME into your SH3 Commander Date folder. Then do the following sequence:
  1. When you start a new patrol, enable your JFO! Mod files into SH3 Commander using JSGME.
  2. Start a new patrol.
  3. Save and exit.
  4. Disable the files from SH3 Commander using JSGME.
  5. Run JFO! Mod.exe
  6. Run the game. Save and exit. Repeat #5 and #6 until you return to port.
  7. Once you have returned to port, see #1.

Hope this helps!

2) when you say
Copy the entries from the messages_en.txt file located in the Xtras folder into the file in your installation under the same file name (located in the data/Campaigns/Campaign directory).
do you mean to append the Xtras folder entries to the entries in our own installation?

Or you can enable it by using JSGME as always.
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