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Old 02-19-13, 11:05 AM   #10
Kaiser Bill's batman
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Originally Posted by Stealhead View Post
That could be argued. As far as I am aware the kill ratio of the Lighting is 1:0(and that was a RAF Harrier whose pilot had ejected the plane kept flying so a Lightning was sent to destroy it.) it never got to actually intercept and shoot down an enemy aircraft so we can only take an educated guess as to how well it would actually perform.
Kill ratio 2:0 actually, if you include the Herc (63-7789?) stolen by a Crew Chief (Sgt Paul Adams Meyer) from Mildenhall. The Crew Chief had been refused leave over xmas and was making his own way. A QRA lightning pilot was told to stand down whilst a USAF pilot took his aircraft and came back minus one missile. The Herc was listed as 'crashed', near Alderney. You decide.

And if we're actually keeping scores then to be more accurate it would be Lightning 0 : Fire Lots.

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