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Old 02-18-13, 02:50 PM   #58
Grey Wolf
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Originally Posted by Schakal_U109 View Post
1st - We took a game like SH2/DC or SH3 and make a list of what we have to change to make a good sim (graphics, realism, gameplay etc....) >>> then look what we need for this >>> how much money is needed for this >>> wo can realise it (community + a professional studio) >>> try to find someone
Biggest problem for this: The gamerights belong to Ubisoft. We can try to give them a concept or to get the permission of them to recreate their game...
The best idea is a game source code from older productions like SH2/DC, SH3 or Enigma:RT.
But no access for it. Unfortunately.

Originally Posted by Schakal_U109 View Post
2nd - Search a game which is already modder-friendly and has the possability to create a naval game (Virtual Sailor !? don't know such games very good). The do the same like on top, create a list of what we want and what is needed for realising this >>> Coast budget > award a contract
Let's calculate:
20 programmers, 12-month term, year market salary 60.000$ = 1.200.000 $ total budget

Who pays?

Originally Posted by Schakal_U109 View Post
3rd - Creat an completly new game from stock. But if that should be a sucess we need the help of some professionals who can realise this. If we have a basic game, the modding community can build it up like we want it.
The example of "Danger of the Deep" show us that is it team order not for few fans only but for whole community. Project was cancelled at 0.5 verion.

Originally Posted by Schakal_U109 View Post
4th - Look how other games are made: At first there is someone with an "Idea". Then someone makes a script of it. And then he goes with his ideas and scripts to the gamestudios and perhaps someone will make it.
Now I see only one candidate: WarThunder (fleet in development) - the engine and game concept allows to put submarines / destroyers there.

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