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Old 02-06-13, 04:28 PM   #4286
The Old Man
Join Date: Dec 2005
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I didn't get a video or screenshots since none of this was planned, it just sort of happened. Career with a Sargo class, Webster's improved US torpedos, current test version of my resupply mod, otherwise stock 1.4. Found a task force with one Yamato, two large tankers, and one Takao heavy cruiser in the starboard column, port column was one Kongo BB, two Hiryu CVs, one Furutaka CA. 12 escorts. Dove to 220 feet under a layer facing away from the task force at a 45 degree angle to fire all four stern tubes at the Yamato first, then turn left to fire the bow tubes at the Kongo and the two carriers. That was the plan anyway, but like most plans it didn't survive first contact with the enemy. After the lead escort passed overhead I ordered periscope depth, passing 80 feet I hear high repetition pinging - the lead escort decided to double back. Okay, the jig is up, fire the stern tubes at Yamato, go to flank speed and start my turn to port to line up on the Kongo and carriers. Up scope, look to see where the escorts are, the lead is 600 yards behind and drops too early - another escort following him gets caught in his depth charge blast, a third escort heading toward me from the side collides with the lead escort and both are destroyed. Things are looking up, so I fire two at the Kongo and one at the leading Hiryu, all three hit. Yamato meantime dead in the water, fire my last loaded bow tube at the Kongo, which stopped him dead. Kicked out a decoy and went down to 100 feet while waiting for reload, turned to intercept the last Hiryu. 10 minutes later back to periscope depth - Yamato is sinking, Kongo is sunk, Hiryu 1500 yards ahead, fire and hit. At this point I've sunk 2 BBs, 2 CVs, time to head for the deep and call it a day.
The 9 remaining escorts are still chasing each other's tails in circles outside, new fish 90% loaded, the Furutaka has collided with a tanker 2500 yards ahead and both are sitting there tangled up between me and the nearest destroyers. Close in on them and fire one fish at each, down they go. I've done enough for one day, Miller Time.

So after going deep and silent, move slowly outside the five mile circle, back to periscope depth, no sound contacts no visual, surface the boat and head for the resupply base. Still got 4 fish forward and 2 aft, the following day as I'm approaching the resupply base I get another contact - One Takao cruiser, one large tanker, 7 escorts - it's the remains of the task force from yesterday! So I run in there, two fish at each, wiped out the entire task force except for the escorts. Who actually didn't need any help from me, they were doing a pretty good job on each other, I saw ANOTHER incident where a destroyer crossed too close behind another one and got blown up by his depth charges. Six out of 12 escorts sunk by their own bad seamanship and lack of training in the use of explosives, most fun I ever had without taking my clothes off.
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