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Old 01-27-13, 07:00 PM   #1
Lucky Jack
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3rd mission:
Protect some random heap of rubble

Took off and began patrol, spotted contacts which peeled off when we approached, I followed one which lead me on a merry chase around the sky until I was finally able to hold it in my sights for long enough to take its wing off. Turned out to be a LaGG. Found Arclight chasing a contact, another LaGG I believe, and covered him until he overshot his target whilst confirming his identity and then I lost both him and the target. RTB'd after a quick tangle with a contact which was being mobbed by about ten 109s made me Winchester. Nearly collided with a 109 but only saw a glimpse of it out of the corner of my eye, probably just as well I didn't see the full thing or I'd probably have panicked and stalled.

Russkie pilot bailing from his one winged LaGG

Gliderman, Gliderman, does whatever a Gliderman does...

Arclight chasing his bandit

Second mission.
Intercept MiGs

Downgraded to E4s due to parts shortage... Took off and climbed, it wasn't long until we ran into a formation of nine enemy aircraft, peeled in behind them, one broke high and then another even higher. Lost the one I was after and spotted Task Force chasing one so stayed near him to cover, an I-16 then locked onto Task Forces tail so I turned to intercept. Managed to chase him down after a long drawn out manoeuvring battle (those little sods can sure move) and took his wing off as well. At this point his friends had arrived, jumping Task Force and then me in short order, took some hits to the cockpit and engine area, so hit the deck and ran for home. Raptor came to my assistance and managed to drag whatever it was off my tail, then I spotted some IL-2s, so turned to attack, lost them again and then realised that I really should have headed back for base when I had the chance since my engine was sounding more and more broken. Fortunately I was over friendly territory when the thing finally gave up the ghost so did a belly landing in a field. Nothing important fell off so it should be fixable.

Task Force reeling in his bandit.

Chute and diving I-16 just visible.

Raptor curves in to save the day

He clears my six and then hunts down the offending aircraft.

Task Force makes a good landing

Me and Task Force swap stories of Daimler-Benz deaths and I discover the cockpit opens.

Raptor breaks my server...

The bullet hole in the open canopy...
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