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Old 01-16-13, 07:44 PM   #1
Ace of the Deep
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Default Meanwhile in Romania ...

... I'm selling these fine leather jackets!

Actually, no! I'm working on a game, and since my friend Neal and Subsim have always been good to me, I thought maybe people are interested? Its the first time I'm breaking the news

Last December, after a short 1 year detour via City Interactive, I started work in earnest on a indie project. This is something I wanted to do for a while but with the wages of game development in Romania making no money in the bank and having a young one running around the house, it was hard to take the step.

With me there are a couple of other guys, most notably and most committed, Pintea - the helpful dev that sometimes offers advice in the SH5 modding forums. Or at least he used to.

So what are we building? A small strategy game, called Door Kickers.

Right now (very WIP graphics and features missing) it kinda looks like this:

Its inspiration comes from the original Rainbow Six games, specifically the planning mode in the pre-Lockdown games. Get a situation, plan the assault, see how it plays out. Fast playing in some levels, but involving in order to get it right. Very satisfying stuff.

Of course, we have a few tricks up our sleeves as there's plenty of room to improve on the original. Also as counter-terrorism is a fave subject of mine and I have a few contacts in the domain, I'd say that given time we'll be able to shape this into a pretty deep, realistic tactical sandbox.

If you've enjoyed games such as Jagged Alliance, XCom, Frozen Synapse, you might find ours interesting, though we're definitely not on the same creative page as any of them.

So I guess this would be it for now.



P.S. You can keep in touch with us over Facebook here: or maybe we'll actually manage to have a real site up soon
With strength I burn...

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