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Old 12-30-12, 02:27 AM   #12
Grey Wolf
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I have noticed this, when in the game, the Auxiliary cruiser Penguin has only one gun, but in the museum it has four, same with Auxiliary cruiser Komet which only has one gun. The second one shows the same ship but in game.
It would be nice if this could be fixed, because they serve as escort ships, and there are strangely a lot of this one ship. They also see wide service in the Mediterranean, and they are very vulnerable against a destroyer what doesn't have to maneuver to make it's shots. And for ships of this size, trying to change your direction to attack is almost suicide, because mod destroyers have about 3-5 cannons, they can make short work of Merchants and others ships very quickly. Once, I saw a German Type 34 destroyer take down an armed merchant in less that a minute.
That was a C1B medium merchant, it was heading head on to the destroyer, before it could even turn to get it's stern facing gun to aim at the destroyer, it was already sinking, most merchants including Komet and Penguin have long turning times, this is usually their end, I exploit that fact with my deck gun, Merchants with a gun facing backwards you can carefully maneuver around it without it being able to get a shot on you.
An example of the missing guns.

Last edited by V13dweller; 01-04-13 at 12:58 AM.
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