Thread: The Hunter
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Old 12-17-12, 10:43 PM   #3
Ocean Warrior
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Originally Posted by Oberon View Post
Yes, but most people don't hunt Leopard in real life or in hunting simulations.

The Hunter is about hunting deer, not anything that has a chance of fighting back.

My point was more about the fact that it's a whole lot easier to go out and hunt than it is to fly a plane. Even if you're just saying a basic 2 seat-er plane.

First getting a plane is a lot more expensive than getting a gun or a bow. Second the licenses required to hunt is just a small fee(you don't even need one if you're hunting locally, at least in my state), while a pilots licenses is like a drivers license where you need to pass actual tests.

Anyways, the point is that if you wanted to hunt, you could go out and do it easier than you could go out and fly a plane, which is why Plane simulators are kind of a different story compared to Hunting simulators.

Most people who are interested in hunting would be more interested in going out and doing the real thing than playing a simulator. While most people who are interested in flying a plane end up playing simulators because they don't have the means to do it in real life(plus I'm fairly certain more pilots spend time in simulators for leisure than hunters do). This holds true for most other sims too, it's easier to go hunting on your own than it is to work on a farm, drive a semi-truck, drive a bus, drive a train, etc. Most of these have some sort of qualification or limitation that keeps the average Joe from doing so in real life, so simulators let them experience it.

Either way, if someone finds interest in a particular simulator, you shouldn't knock them for it. Even if some of the simulators out there are a bit... niche. We're all on a forum dedicated to submarine simulators for Christ's sake.

Originally Posted by RickC Sniper View Post
Yes, but he can't do so without the help of another person. Although to be fair most quadriplegics can't play computer games either. But where there is a will there is a way.

Technically someone who is missing their legs can sit up in tree platform and wait for a target to come by, but it's rarer for people to have the dedication to do so.
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