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Old 12-02-12, 09:25 AM   #890
Posts: n/a
Default Where's my crew?

I have never really played this game much, but it has always fascinated me. So I dove in a few days ago to see if I could get it running. Wow. My hats off to all of you who have devoted countless hours with the mods, they are awesome! Although I am not sure that I have yet done them justice.

I will spare you details of all the instances where I bumped my head (foolishly), simply since most problems were in acclimating myself to the large amount of information related to the mods. But I do have one issue to bring up, and another hoping that I missed an easy tweak needed to get my UI functional.

I have Sober's mega mod list installed (15/11/2012), with one exception. When I fire up this list, and go into the mission briefing, there is clearly something wrong with the graphical map layout. I have no access to the either the 'Replay' or 'Skip' buttons at the top of the screen, and, there is no access to mission details in the upper left corner. So, (pardon the pun) I am dead in the water. After I had ruled out installation corruption, I started testing various iterations with the mod list, and found that my problem was with:


I assumed that that was some tweak for this mod. Failing to find one, I was able to resolve the issue by installing a earlier version.

Question #1

Can I still use the above mentioned Map Mod? Any known issues that I have missed?

Now I can get through the briefing, and request a patrol. But, what is still keeping me in the pen appears to be the lack of a crew interface at the bottom of the screen. I assume that this is some newbie tweak that I overlooked, but I had never had access to this feature in any of the installation iterations that I worked with. Help!

Question #2

How do I get the crew controls to appear at the bottom of the screen?
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