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Old 11-21-12, 10:05 PM   #3102
Posts: n/a

Finishing Episode 5 of The Walking Dead, my "sweet-pea" Clementine had to go through her hardest trial...

Because some idiot was cutting pounds of onions somewhere, I had to get into something less emoti...uhm... onion-cuttingthingiestuff...

Orbiter 2010 + AMSO Apollo Mod

Apollo 13 underway writing history!

Seperating stage I in an altitude of roughly 66km

Approximately 30 seconds after staging, the skirt is jettisoned... Shortly after that, Cmdr. James A. Lovell, Jr. jettisons the Launch Escape System (LES), which just ignites on this picture...

Just half a minute after CAPCOM Joseph Kerwin informs the crew of Apollo 13 that they are "Go at 6 minutes!", the center J-2 engine from stage II fails.
The loss of thrust is compensated by letting the remaining 4 J-2 engines burn a little longer...

Last edited by Nippelspanner; 11-22-12 at 11:53 AM.
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