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Old 10-30-12, 03:43 AM   #612
Samurai Navy
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Originally Posted by Xall View Post
DrJones, love the mod, it has a amazing feel to it and very practically made, there are however some recommendations that I sugguest and some of the bugs I encountered.

I love this UI and the one from TheDarkWraith For example I would love to have the speed charts from knots to kilometers converter chart. As far as I am concerned there is no scope lock-on feature... really missing that one.

I also encountered that the man the deck guns works, but when I want them to dismount it, it did not work well, the only way I got that to work is talking directly to dieter and telling him first to man the deck gun then dismount it.

One more thing I would like to point out, is that although the menu to selecting to correct officers, navigator etc are well made, (note that this is just a preference thingy) I found that in the TheDarkWraiths New Interfaces, it was more personal since you seen the crew men rather then the sation icons, I felt more connected to that, where I had more difficulties figuring out who is who with this icons.

It is also worth mentioning that I tell you this with using allot of other mods as well, I did not test this without any other mods. It worked well dispite it had a few bugs. It was also interesting that, whenever I set your mod as the first mod to be activated it worked how I discribed it, however when I set it as the last mod and then puting manos - scopes on it, when I then launched the game, it did not even appear which I found strange.

In anycase I hope this information can be of use to you I always tend to play this and TheDarkWraiths mod They are both unique in thier way and yet both lack something the other has.

Keep up the great work I can't wait till the next release, which will hopefully be a bit more stable and compatible.

Edit: Never mind the part where I said it does not load when I put it last, was my bad.
Thank you Xall...

some of the points you mentioned are still solved...i hope a can release a new editon next time but still a lot of changes in my job in real life keeps me still away to work on it...

Hope there will be more time in the near future

Best Regards

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