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Old 10-07-12, 02:10 PM   #2088
Navy Seal
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Hi Trevallly,

I've prepared a scheme resuming the info on German replenishments in Spanish ports previously posted by me, and proposing a possible availability pattern within OHII campaigns. Here it is:

Location: Ferrol
Date range: Jun 40 - Sep 42
Campaigns / Objectives:
  • Coastal Waters / South Western Approaches (Jan - Jun 40)
  • Operation Drumbeat (Dec 41 - Sep 42)

Location: Vigo
Date range: Jun 40 - Dec 41
Campaigns / Objectives:
  • Happy Times (Jun 40 - Mar 41)
  • Western Approaches / British Supplies (Mar - Dec 41)
  • Western Approaches / Gibraltar Supply Route (Mar - Dec 41)
  • Western Approaches / Winston's Special (Mar - Dec 41)
  • Mare Nostrum / Breakthrough Gibraltar (Mar - Sep 41)

Location: Cadiz
Date range: Jan 40 - Nov 41
Campaigns / Objectives:
  • Coastal Waters / South Western Approaches (Jan - Jun 40)
  • Western Approaches / Gibraltar Supply Route (Mar - Dec 41)
  • Mare Nostrum / Breakthrough Gibraltar (Mar - Sep 41)

Location: Las Palmas
Date range: Mar - Jul 41
Campaigns / Objectives:
  • Western Approaches / Winston's Special (Mar - Dec 41)
  • Western Approaches / Central Atlantic Supplies (Apr - Nov 41)
  • Western Approaches / South Atlantic Convoys (Apr - Nov 41)

I've done my best to match in game base locations, patrol areas, objective dates, refitting ports, etc, with the data available on historical U-boat patrols that required a refuelling in a spanish port. Nevertheless, I am sure that given your deep knolwledge of OHII campaign, there is space for improvements from your parts. What do you think?

I have one last question: do you think that the refitting from an anchored unit will be possible?
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