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Old 10-01-12, 02:23 PM   #998
Gray Owl
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Default What I' reading now

Recovering from total knee replacement has given me some time to dedicate a bit more time to reading than usual. So I'm taking advantage of it currently I'm into Clay Blair's "Hitler's U-Boat War the Hunters". I have only three chapters left in Craig L. Simonds "Lincoln and his Admirals" and I'm almost thru "Hornblower and the Hotspur". Blair's book is excellent detailed with out dragging I read "Silent Victory" many years ago and find this a good companion to that. Simonds book is a refreshing change for me I live in Gettysburg and like many of the Gettysburg transplants came there for the battlefield and Civil War studies. There is a massive amount of material on Lincoln and the Army but not nearly as much on his relationship with the Navy and its leaders. This book fills that gap. I'm opening my self to criticism on this but the Hornblower series are good reads but I'm spoiled after reading Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey-Maturin series. I found that I became more involved in the lives of Lucky Jack and his temperamental Doctor friend they became realer and I found myself caring more about the world they lived in. Hornblower is more reserved and not so open. Still they are good sea stories and I recommend them to my land locked friends.
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