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Old 09-30-12, 09:57 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by Kaye T. Bai View Post
Well said. If you watch this expecting "Das Boot", you will be sorely disappointed. However, if you watch it with some suspension of disbelief, it's actually pretty decent. I can forgive the factual goofs, such as drinking/having alcohol on board, saluting without covers, as they do not take away from the overall plot. As a TV drama, it's pretty good. As a documentary of life in the fleet, not so much.

That said, it's certainly better than "Battleship".

Had to laugh... I liked 'Battleship'! Maybe because I am a destroyer man (Tin Can Sailor). The only part I did not like was that once they were fired upon all three Arleigh Burkes did not let loose with everything they had including harps, torps, bow and stern guns, SM2's and deck guns. I mean it should have been pretty dam obvious those ships were not from our planet once the first hit took place.

(BTW, Yes I know one was a Jap ship however that Jap ship is basically a 'copy' of the United States Arleigh Burke class.)

In this TV show with the Sub, at first I could not remember the alcohol part you mentioned but then I remembered the drink with the Captain... That actually is not necessarily wrong in the portrayal.. First I have seen instances where a hidden bottle come out for strictly "medicinal purposes' you see..

On top of that however, I had occasion to be on board a U.S. Navy warship at sea where we stopped in the middle of the ocean, had a cookout AND each crewman had and received an allotment of 2 beers to drink.. those not on duty of course.

So special circumstances do allow for it.. just not like on Brit ships etc where they actually have a pub on board of a sorts.
Take it light....


United States Navy Service Connected Disabled Veteran.
"A nation that forgets its veterans will itself soon be forgotten", Abraham Lincoln.

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