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Old 09-12-12, 07:59 PM   #1
Onkel Neal
Born to Run Silent
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ABC's the Last Resort: Really brings the crazy

After viewing the Yahoo edition of the new show, all I can say is wow, there's a whole lotta crazy here.

In the span of 44 minutes
  • Boomer sub ordered to fire nukes
  • Boomer captain questions orders
  • Deputy Secretary relieves Boomer Captain of command
  • XO and now acting captain questions order
  • Navy SEALS barge into the conn to pistol whip the crew
  • Other US sub fires Tomahawk on Boomer
  • US nukes Pakistan
  • Lots of people get yanked off the phone by ominous Fed-types
  • Boomer captain commandeers island and NATO station
  • Boomer captain fires nukes at DC (and the XO goes along with that)
The really nutty part: at the end, the Captain suggests the rebuild their dream society on the island.

I like action movies, I like sub action movies, but Crimson Tide has been done and Last Resort does not do it better. There are so many actions taken that simply beggar belief--how fast can a nuclear sub commander go rogue? If he had been planning to go rogue for years, well, maybe the moves that Captain Marcus Chaplan makes would stand up to scrutiny. But otherwise, it's really a stretch to think an American captain would nuke DC. Don't they know about the Smithsonian?

There are sub-plots, like the super-hot female officer struggling to earn respect in a man's world; the GQ Seal who goes all Lord of the Flies as soon as his boots are dry; and the unspoken bond between the Captain and his XO that defines loyalty. But the sum of its parts is still Network TV, and not the Breaking Bad/LOST/Mad Men variety. Last Resort stumbles with an eagerness to establish the storyline that would be better served over several episodes. I mean, in the pilot nukes have been fired, islands stormed, government's toppled with intrigue, and people shot--where do they plan to go from here? It's gonna be quite a step down to keeping peace in the town and ensuring a treaty to keep liquor imports coming.

Watch for yourself, comments welcome!



This is Captain Marcu...oh hell, you know who I am--I've said it 23 times already.

Brink hell, we're knee-deep in it!

Push the damn button already! It's my turn next.

There's still time for a little of this.

At last, at last...

Bet you don't see that every day on Gilligan's Island.

Hey baby, I've got your thermonuclear right here.

Another "oh crap!" moment coming up.

Pakistan gets it in the balls.

We've thought of everything. Glad the US don't got no stealth bombers, that would suck for us.
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Last edited by Onkel Neal; 09-12-12 at 08:16 PM.
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