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Old 08-14-12, 04:26 PM   #304
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Originally Posted by Dogfish40 View Post
I also think that the order that they are activated is going to be important in that there are quite a few shared files, more than I thought there would be. So it's probably going to be up to the player and his computer as to which order works better.
well to each his own but for the most part GFO should always go first because you want to make sure you get everything out of the mod you are adding to it. otherwise GFO will replace files from that mod with its own mostly stock ones. an example of this is you may keep GFO rain by doing that while losing several environmental adjustments intended for the game by ISE. just saying you could be missing visual things from ISE you just arent noticing yet.

if you dont mind would you PM me a list of the files ISE shares with GFO so i could try and figure out what might bo lost without a ISE patch? thanks
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