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Old 07-30-12, 03:52 AM   #3976
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Originally Posted by Roger Dodger View Post
Yes, but the 'crud' is not so noticeable in the 'Free Camera'. The real problem is in the 'Event Camera'.

I did some playing around with the Free Camera last night, and my sub was quite clear at periscope depth - I could look along its entire length. Visibility is around 300 feet or about 100 meters - about what it should be in the South Pacific.

The real problem with visibility is with the 'Event Camera'. The Event Camera shows the ship exploding nicely, but when it follows the sinking underwater, you can't even see the shadow of the sinking ship.

I did change the '' file to Fill: 'Percent 05' from 'Solid Color' and saved the file as DXT1 (Opaque/1-bit Alpha) as file format. I'm using Paint.NET v3.5.2 . I'll have to test it later and see if that does the trick.

I can't find any settings specific to event camera, except in cfg folder (eventcamera.cfg), but thats for camera shake when torpedo hits & explode. That would mean that it is using global settings for env, visibility underwater, and so on. And because its so small it may not scale things to its size - thinking about those impurities: as you've noticed, its ok in free cam, but the effect of it may be intensified in event cam, making it more dense. Other thing to do is to adjust underwater fog settings in scene dat (envdata > underwater > fog > zmax \\ the higher this value, the further you'll see, and do brighter 'downlight'), but the effect would affect your game globally (the same with env files, adjusting them would also help, but its a lot of work with them).

Originally Posted by Tanedin
I reduced all of my settings to minimum and restarted before setting them back to high, problem seems to have resolved itself.

Edit: Why?
I would also like to know the answer. One thing to try would be to run stock game, and see if its happens there too, if no, then disable normal maps in TMO, and see if it still there. (because stock game doesnt have normal maps for subs, and maybe for a reason - only guessing, would need to investigate it).
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