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Old 07-26-12, 09:34 AM   #6406
frau kaleun
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Not all of the optional GWX mods are designed to be used together.

IIRC, Black Sea, Indian Ocean, and Merged Campaign will change your campaign files to limit or increase random/scripted traffic to a smaller or larger geographical area.

Indian Ocean, for instance, limits traffic to the Indian Ocean theater of operations and is meant for those who want to play in that geographical area and don't want the additional strain on their system of loading campaign traffic and locations for the rest of the SH3 world.

Merged Campaign, in contrast, loads all traffic for the entire playing world and will likely result in longer loading times and higher demands on your system. It's designed for people whose rigs can handle those demands and want to sail anywhere and everywhere and still see shipping and activity wherever they go.

If you load more than one mod that changes your campaign files, the files for the *last* mod loaded will be the ones that the game uses. So if you load Merged Campaign to see traffic and activity everywhere you could possibly go, but then load Indian Ocean after it, the game will use the Indian Ocean files and limit traffic to that location. The rest of the world will be empty because the Merged Campaign files that would have filled it were overwritten.
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