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Old 07-17-12, 12:11 AM   #57
Grey Wolf
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Originally Posted by TorpX View Post
it is a matter of listening to the most dedicated and knowlagable players.
Meeh! Wrong answer!
The "most dedicated and knowlagable" players are not important gruop with current business model - because it is a small group of players.
It means:
Release product as cheap as possible,
Show as advanced as possible,
Sell as much as possible (trailers, trade marks).

Do you see the place for modders? I'm not.

But it is not so bad how it looks. We still have independent, small developers from 'third world' f.e. Eastern Europe, Russia, India or China.
Hope that success of "World of Tanks" shows the new & correct way to new online sims (and sub / navy sims) in future.

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