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Old 07-16-12, 11:46 PM   #3
Silent Hunter
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Originally Posted by Julhelm View Post
It got turned down, and always will. Even a one-man indie dev like Third Wire turns this down everytime it is suggested, and for good reason. The people who post on forums and who mod their games are in the minority. The big majority (maybe as much as 80-90%) of paying customers never go online to post on forums. So from a business perspective it would be crazy to cater exclusively to such a small niche within a niche.
It isn't a question of catering to a small niche, it is a matter of listening to the most dedicated and knowlagable players. You presume that the customer base is devided into a small group of forum posting users who want one thing, and a much larger group of casual players who want something entirely different. I think input from this forum would result in a better game for everyone, if only Ubi would listen.

As for SH5, had it had another 6 months dev time to finish features and no UBI DRM on launch it would probably have been an outstanding game. Since the online game by definition will continue to be developed over its lifetime I don't really see how it'll die like SH5.
But it never got that 6 months dev time or much else really. Ubi may say SHO will be developed over it's "lifetime", but how long will that be? Most likely, Ubi will pull the plug as soon as they see it doesn't fit in with their 'get rich quick' business model.

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