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Old 07-16-12, 02:29 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by privateer View Post
Is far as I know? An offer was made.
It was turned down.

So Modders will work with Devs and even do it for free IF it's a fair deal.
It don't need money being exchanged.
It demands trust!
Trust, or the lack of it, destroyed what SH5 could have been.

I see the On-Line version very open to the same problem.
They will not trust or contact the Modders.
So they will fail in the same way.
It got turned down, and always will. Even a one-man indie dev like Third Wire turns this down everytime it is suggested, and for good reason. The people who post on forums and who mod their games are in the minority. The big majority (maybe as much as 80-90%) of paying customers never go online to post on forums. So from a business perspective it would be crazy to cater exclusively to such a small niche within a niche.

As for SH5, had it had another 6 months dev time to finish features and no UBI DRM on launch it would probably have been an outstanding game. Since the online game by definition will continue to be developed over its lifetime I don't really see how it'll die like SH5.

Finally I would like to point out to you that the most commercially successful online games of the last 5 years have all been absolutely closed to modders.
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