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Old 07-10-12, 06:08 AM   #550
Lipud U-107
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Originally Posted by Chinese U-47 View Post
1,When WSM V3.0 released,there are english version for both SH3 V1.4 and GWX.Even now,anyone who search SH3 WSM3.0 in google,can still easily get english version download from some sit like silenthuntermods(
How dare you say me a liar who never make english version?!
2,I'm lazy and sth like that.A one who makes a lot of mod(not all for SH3) and did his job is lazy.I'm curious,then someone like you made 0 mod is what?
3,"China is synonymous with cheap, nothing useful to the trash....."Great,I don't want to attack your nation with word like yours,but if you insist,think about what your nation has or did,think about mine,I live in this nation,with people I love,you'd better not abuse my nation any more.
Now,just you and me,at least I made some mod,what you did?If I am nothing useful,what you're suppose to be?
4,Mod is not job or obligation,it's personal favor.And I didn't make mod for just you,I make mod for anyone who like it.A European may like my mod,a American may like my mod,a Chinese may like my mod,never think you're more important than Chinese player to me.I did what I did,even if I insist to make a mod never with English version,or never released it to someone like you,it's my individual right,you may don't like it,but you should not defame me.Specialy fake me as a liar.
BTW:most SH mods don't have Chinese version at all(in fact,not just SH,but almost all the game mods).So,should every Chinese player cry just like you?
You can either enjoy my mod, or shut up n piss off

100% of the true Chinese U-47

I am very grateful for your hard work and admire your work the past few years and I never got bored and certainly not disappoint and the Chinese language is not a problem just use google language translator i find an answer file in the SH3 folder, and it can convert any of the you appreciate how hard at work on MOD.

I'm also wanted to build a ship in SH3 and studied modeling (Wings 3d) n but unfortunately did not work out for this even more now respects the work of Chinese U-47.

I struggled to 7 hours to do something like U-boat,
Please each of you to try to DO something in 3D and then write something about working Chinese U-47

Chinese U-47 I have one request can you upload again WSM 3.0 Beta FrBB Strasbourg I had it once but unfortunately I deleted: (
War Ship mod 3.0 by Chinese U-47
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