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Old 07-07-12, 04:58 PM   #1563
Posts: n/a

I'll go back to the obj import issue as that is a most important area for the future.

I don't have your code but I know the issue well.
You are seeking the o and g in a set place.
That is no longer a valid standard.
What most programs look for is the start of the verts.
No o needs declared and is overlooked.
Take a simple export useing S3D that IS what everyone is going to use!

# Obj-exporter - version 1.4.3 - 8/5/2009 - © 2001-2009 skwas
mtllib ./NBB_KGeorgeV.mtl
g NBB_KGeorgeV
# object 'NBB_KGeorgeV'
v 0 1.00353 9.0781

You see the problem right off the bat don't you?
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