Thread: My 2 cents.
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Old 06-23-12, 10:00 PM   #1
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Default My 2 cents.

First , i want to qualify this by saying im not what would be considered a hardcore subsimmer, certainly not a grognard , and very certainly not a designer ,
. I am a bit older , I began my gaming with dice . I .. began to like sh5 , especially after modding the hell out of it . And true they made some very basic mistakes with the game ,
The absence of later sub models was unexcusable , and i think they originally meant to release an expansion but since it floundered like it did they didnt put any more into it , Thats all just supposition though . The DRM , I will tolerate , As a sign of the times .
........................I dont see the harm in any new release , I would love to see a new release of any kind of subsim actually . bad or good , And who releases it i dont really care , More new subsim = good .
On another note , I cannot help to think when playing games like .. say ... GTA4 , That the technology is there already to create a very good subsim , GTA has rendered an entire city , People , vehicles and all ( mmmm ,What would Rockstars subsim be like ?),
and while i understand that rendering the ocean itself is a special challenge , ( I while much time away watching blender water simulations on YT ) I cannot but think that the tech is here and readily accessible .
I wonder if perhaps this online thing might pan out to be something enjoyable , and on a platform that facilitates expansion .
I ask the same questions about it as everyone else , what about time compression ?, what about griefers in a multiplayer environment ? But if they have a vision , I would like to see it .
I dont comment much here so this may well be out of place , and irrelevant even , I wish to take the time to express the awe i have of this community and the people who create the mods i so enjoy , If i were designing the next subsim ,I would certainly recruit some of these sharp minds .
So ,, Heres hoping that the next subsim is released while i can still enjoy it . and that is has all crew members rendered , doing their tasks , and the ships are to scale , and the oil covers the sea and ignites in a fury of black smoke and orange glow , and the screams are .... sorry got away from myself .
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