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Old 06-03-12, 04:14 PM   #3899
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Originally Posted by dilleer View Post
In download section there is a small TMO 2.5 PATCH so i installed it.

I know RSRDC but there's few things that i don't like. For example this damn zigzac's, that convoys and lone merchants do in later stages of war. Besides enemy traffic is too low for me. I know this is historically accurate but none the less very annoying.

Another question:
Is there a chance to find for example in battle of midway one of the Jap carriers or other fat and juicy warships and sink them without intalled RSRDC only TMO?
Or battles around Guadalcanal when i will be there at proper time period (Tokyo Express, Night battles etc.)
Or to take down Yamato in Leyte Gulf?
Simply in one sentence how historically accurate and realistic the TMO without RSRDC is?
Duci did a lot of work on TMO traffic, but he doesn't pretend that it's as historical as RSRD, TMO is more a AI mod, RSRD is a traffic mod. RSRD scripts traffic rather historically perfect from port, course, etc. Duci appears to have added most the larger battles fairly well at the proper dates, including Midway. RSRD scripts almost every action from small to large and really has certain campaigns done very well, like the Solomons, several large battles, surface engagements, invasions, etc., that you won't find in TMO. TMO's traffic isn't as historically accurate, groups, ships, as RSRD, the mods build traffic rather differently, but he's got plenty of historic action.

I understand many complain it's hard to find traffic in RSRD, it's there, just more historical, sticks to certain shipping lanes as the war progresses. Going to patrol zones often leads to frustration, I go to where I know action is. You can always open up TMO and RSRD campaign files in the ME and compare, just know they do things differently, TMO may appear to have less traffic, but not really, he respawns many of the same groups, changing them up using other settings.

Not sure what you mean by the late war zags. If a group spots you the entire group will go into a small zig pattern, more helming, in both TMO and RSRD. When it comes to actual course changes {not evasion zigs} TMO uses many more course changes, about every 10nms or so than RSRD. I love this feature about TMO, because the many course changes can really throw you off.

I like RSRD for more historic value, TMO more for difficulty. The other issue with RSRD is that it overwrites all the crew ratings of TMO, so the escorts are a lil easier to deal with in RSRD, Duci uses more veteran ratings than RSRD, however it's easy, but time consuming to edit crew ratings which I've done for RSRD.

I always go back to RSRD, but TMO traffic can be fun in itself and more difficult unless you tweak RSRD.
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