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Old 05-06-12, 12:54 PM   #3352
Posts: n/a

Hi guys,

I don't know if I write in the right thread but I can't understand how this works.
I have got my fuel tank half empty and I sent my patrol report to BDU requesting for refuelling.
Insted of getting info where to meet milk cow, I got another one about surrendering my unit.
I don't want to surrender, I want to get refuelled.
Can you explain me what I have done wrong and how I should get that fuel and later on also fish from resuply units starting from contacting BDU via sending reports?

PS: I run LSH3 patched V16B1 patch kit plus V16B1 Stiebler add-on, ALL enabled.

Last edited by Sittingwolf; 08-10-12 at 08:05 AM.
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