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Old 05-06-12, 11:35 AM   #208
Iron Budokan
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Well, even The Elder Scrolls is going to MMO. Looks like Silent Hunter has also decided to join the "Me Too's" and want to dip their biscuit in that MMO gravy while it is still hot.

I must admit a move like this on UBI's part doesn't necessarily surprise me. It seems a natural progression given what was released in SH5 with conversations and (very) minimal role playing characteristics a la crew members with personalities. So an MMO would be the next step, I guess?

I dunno. Just trying to figure out the business decision making mechanics behind this move when there obviously is a very broken SH5 game they have all but abandoned.

I know we should always give people a chance. But I feel after being burned so many times by UBI I probably won't jump on this bandwagon. I like MMOs and play several of them. I LOVE submarine simulations, however, and it would take something away from the immersion aspect to see a player named "TorpNoob" or something similarly moronic in chat.

As I said in a previous post I hope the game does well and people like it, though. Who knows? Anyway, if it does work out and if the members of this site play the game and give it a hearty thumbs up, I will be more than happy to say I was totally and completely wrong. I honestly do hope the game does well, it just doesn't seem to be something that interests me deeply in its current incarnation.
"You will take on England wherever you find her ships, and you will break her power at sea." --Iron Coffins, Herbert A. Werner
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